Weekly Check-in November 12, 2017 by christa.hannon@gmail.com Leave a Comment Please see the form below and let me know how your week went!! Thanks so much for your help!! Keep up the great work!!! Rate Your Week Let's reflect on last week and set our intention for this week. Name (required) Email Address (required) Date Overall, how would you rate your week based on your goals from last week from 1-10 12345678910 How many Shakeology's did you drink this week? 01-34-67+ Tell me something you did this week that you are proud of (NSV). Tell me your goal for this week. How are you going to make sure you are hitting your goals? (Remember - a goal without a plan is just a wish) What are you going to try and improve on from this past week? Write me a positive affirmation to combat the negative self talk (ex - I will lose the weight because small changes over time will compound to awesome results) Good health is my birth right. I bless my body daily and take good care of it.. -- (sign your name below)
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