Quick Tip:
I’ve had many conversations lately about how to stay on track while on vacation or how to make healthier choices while away from home.
When I was at the beach I packed lunches for us because let’s face it when we are in the hot sun it makes us hungry. Leaving the beach can be hard enough with little ones and being hungry is not a good option!
I would pack our lunch the night before or the morning before we hit the beach. No matter what I would pack for the girls Isabelle would end up eating my food. 😉 Even if I make her the exact same food in her own container she would eat mine. I don’t mind.
For 21 Day Fix friends: my lunch is usually 2 green containers (veggies), 1 red container (protein), 1 yellow container (carb). What does that mean? 2 cups of greens which can be spinach and peppers or whatever veggies you have on hand, my carb was usually quinoa or ezekiel bread and my protein was usually chicken. I bought this awesome honey mustard made by Annie’s Organic brand from Wegmans and used some as my dressing just because it wasn’t messy and because it’s tasty!
I hope this helps give you some lunch ideas while you are traveling this Summer! What helps you?
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