I don’t think I’ve officially created a post about my pregnancy so I thought I should share some things this week 🙂
This past week I’ve been battling major allergies and I haven’t felt well and have had trouble breathing at night. Thankfully, I’m feeling better today! Praise God!! I even had my OB appointment this morning and heard our little baby girl’s heartbeat, isn’t that the best sound??!!!
I got my workout in after my appointment and have been just so grateful to have a little more energy today and not feel so bad. Anyone else struggle with sinus issues while being pregnant? It’s tough!! It’s not been fun but it could be worse. Hopefully, my voice will start to sound more normal and this congestion goes away ASAP!!
Someone over the weekend said, “Christa, you’re so inspiring, I didn’t workout or stay active when I was pregnant.”
I said, “Aww, thanks!” but this is just normal for me.
Truthfully, my workout makes me feel like “me” – my intensity is lower than it was before being pregnant of course and I do modifications when needed but for me it’s just like brushing my teeth. I make it a priority and know it’s something I need to do each day or 5-6 x’s a week. Keep in mind, this is not rigorous exercise, some days it might just be a walk. 🙂
I’ve learned to give myself grace over the years and I’m not nearly as hard on myself like I used to be.
It’s amazing how you can be just doing your own thing – not knowing who you’re impacting or inspiring. God is good! It’s all for His glory!
What do Sophia and Isabelle think?
The girls are so sweet!! I love how they ask me if the baby is kicking and talk about the baby everyday or have even wrapped up baby things to give to me once or twice. They say they want to hold the baby. OMG!! We tell them they’ll get to meet her this Summer. Isabelle likes to say that the baby is having a dance party all the time! lol
Let’s look back in time…

I had no idea what pregnancy was like when I was pregnant with Sophia. Each week I learned something “new”. 😉 lol I was excited each week to see my belly grow. Can’t believe this was 6 years ago!

We went to Massanutten for the weekend when I was pregnant with Isabelle at this time. I had a lot of anxiety with this pregnancy and unfortunately was a little too worried about what the scale said. :/

This momma is in such a better place than with baby #2. Thank you God for healing!!!! I would not be where I am today without God!!! I’m no longer so hard on myself. Shorter workouts that are low impact that are effective are my jam!! I know how to properly fuel my body to give me energy and help me feel better. Food is medicine!! I want to eat well so I have energy and to stay healthy. I’m no longer driven by the scale. I’ve learned so much these past few years in Health & Fitness.
It’s amazing how God put it on my heart back in 2007 to inspire women with their Health & Fitness but had no idea what that would look like. I was a full time teacher at that time, wasn’t married yet and no children yet. He gave me the name “Angel Fit” back in 2009. It wasn’t until 2015, when I really needed a journey to heal (that He lead me on) that HE inspired, motivated me and finally took that leap to help other people with their Health & Fitness Journeys. It all started because I needed help first and when He was able to help me, He inspired me to help others even when I was still pretty weak at the time. In my weakness, I relied on HIS strength to carry me through.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9-11.
The healing came over time and helping people was part of the healing journey. Taking our eyes off ourselves is sometimes the best healing as well as being obedient to HIS call!!!
I love working with people in their Health & Fitness Journeys because it’s changed my own life and I’ve seen it change so many others. If you haven’t read my latest blog post about the 2B Mindset coming out next week, you totally need to!! I plan on learning it in May with the creator and implementing what I learn on myself and to help guide others. It’s going to be such a great program to know especially after having our baby later this Summer!
Here it is, click on the link below to read more :):
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