Hey friends, thanks so much for visiting my blog and for checking out this article on the Ultimate Portion Fix. I personally have a passion for all things clean eating, nutrition, and creating a healthy lifestyle. I do not believe in crash diets but in creating new habits that allow you to eat healthy but still enjoy some of the things you love most. In my case that is chips & salsa, margaritas and for sure chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies. Heck… I really truly love food! If you were to tell me I cannot have something I would definitely be a little resentful. If you told me that I have a choice and that for every choice you make there will be consequences I will definitely think twice about it.
Over the past 4 years I have been on my own personal health and fitness journey. I started my Health & Fitness journey over 15 years ago but it wasn’t until 4 years ago that I truly focused on the right nutrition to change my life. I grew up struggling with my weight and in college I got to my heaviest. I wasn’t eating right and totally lived off sugar. Then when I started working out in 2005, I quickly got hooked, shed some weight and felt great but I ate many processed foods like lean cuisines, diet sodas, processed yogurts. I was either eating too much or not enough when I was training for my triathlons

After having my first two babies I was really struggling to lose the last 10 lbs. of baby weight I had gained during my pregnancy. I was still nursing and was a new mom of 2 girls who were 2 and under. I needed a change! After months of God prompting me to change my nutrition. I went all in with the nutrition that ultimately changed my own life and my family’s life. I didn’t know that this small change would change my life in so many ways!! The 21 Day Fix nutrition program was what changed my life. When I started I was still nursing my 10 month old baby and lost 3 lbs. in a week. That scale wouldn’t budge before I started but when I dialed in my nutrition, results started to follow.
I couldn’t believe it but I actually got in better shape and became more toned AFTER having two babies than when I was younger, training for hours for triathlons. It all comes down to our nutrition!!

When Autumn Calabrese came out with the 21 Day Fix I was all over the program. WHY? Because it was right in line with my own beliefs about nutrition. I believed in the principles, I understood the science behind it and I shared it with others.
I know the power of education. The 21 day fix program really just scratched the surface. The program’s nutritional guide didn’t go into deep detail about WHY you eat this way. It wasn’t until Autumn created Ultimate Portion Fix that all the dots came together. We are not just giving you these color coded containers and telling you to figure it out or trust us! We are giving you the science and the WHY behind why you eat this way. When you know WHY you are doing something, you are much more likely to stick with it.
I’m so beyond excited to link arms with YOU and teach you how to truly make a lifestyle change with the Ultimate Portion Fix program.
My UPF Lifestyle Virtual Boot Camp Group
As I coach I get to run Virtual Boot Camp Groups on Facebook, which is basically a safe space for my clients to talk about their daily challenges and cheer each other on. It’s an online support group and I provide motivation and tips from my own personal toolbox that have helped me to create a sustainable lifestyle for myself and others. It is honestly one of my favorite parts about coaching because I love being able to help you crush your health and fitness goals and give you an environment where you can also make new friends.
In my UPF Lifestyle Group, I am also going to help you with:
- meal planning
- understanding portion sizes
- cutting out processed foods
- dealing with your sugar addictions
- how to stay on track when you are traveling or busy
- getting your whole family on board with clean eating
- and more!
The group will start prep on March 25th and workouts will start on April 1st. We will do a week of exploring Beachbody on Demand workouts and then we start 21 Day Fix live with Autumn on April 1st.
In order to participate in my UPF group, I must be your coach and you must purchase a UPF package. You will also need to be drinking either Shakeology or the Performance Line daily!
When Can I Purchase UPF?
Ultimate Portion Fix launches on March 18th for customers. If you are interested in signing up as a coach, you can actually purchase the program and get access today! Plus, by purchasing a Challenge Pack you will be able to waive your coach sign up fee ($40).
If you are interested in signing up as a coach, you can also get UPF Certification which will give you a deeper dive into the program, soft-skills training, and social media marketing tools so that you have the confidence to more successfully attract customers, run Challenge Groups, and personalize the program to each and every customer, elevating their experience so they get even better results.
Here is a graphic that breaks down the different packages for you.
Success Stories from the Coach Test Group
Of course I couldn’t tell you all about the program without providing some results! These are transformations from coaches who were selected to be in the UPF Coach Test Group. They got to try the program out before anyone else and they truly rocked it!! Seriously this program can truly change your life and the principles that we teach are ones that you can use forever!

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